YIN & Restorative

Yin Yoga Before Sleep: Release Tension and Aid Digestion


Yin Yoga

25 min of Slow Flow - Yin Yoga in polish


Protein bowl

Protein Coconut Yoghurt Bowl for breaky


Love and relationships & with self and others

To not get lost in humanness but to be aware of being human.


Veggie Bowl

simple recipe to add daily portion of veggies& make your belly happy.


Greenie Smoothie

A nutritious, yummy smoothie tonic made with kale or spinach.


Sunday feels&new moon selfcare

Get in touch with your body & arrive back home


Loving yourself

Take care of yourself like you would of someone you love


Changes ✨

The only way to make sense of change is to plunge into it, move with it, and join the dance.


Homemade hummus

Extra attention to your meals in 15 minutes

