

YIN & Restorative

Yin Yoga Before Sleep: Release Tension and Aid Digestion

Ease into relaxation with gentle Yin Yoga poses that soothe internal tension and promote digestion and regeneration. Hold each position for 3-5 minutes.

  1. Forward Bends: Use a pillow or bolster to support your head or ankles in both seated and standing forward bends.
  2. Upavistha Konasana (Seated Angle Pose): Sit in a wide straddle and bend forward, resting your head or arms on a pillow or bolster.
  3. Banana Pose: A lateral stretch with legs raised, creating a gentle curve in your body.
  4. Hamstring Stretch: Pull your legs toward your head, transitioning into the "figure 4" position by placing your ankle on the opposite thigh and drawing the legs toward your torso.
  5. Deer Pose with a Twist: Adjust your legs into a 90-degree angle, twist your torso towards a bolster, and rest your upper body on the support. Optionally, you can wrap your arms around your back for a deeper stretch. (Watch the video for guidance!)



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